IACEE 2022
Submitting your abstract/proposal

2022 Theme: Global Imperatives for Continuing Engineering Education

Please note that anyone wishing to present, but not publish a conference proceedings paper is welcome! IACEE recognizes and values perspectives from academic and industry practitioners who are not interested in formal publication.


Conference Tracks

The IACEE World Conference invites submissions for presentations at the 2022 World Conference. Relevant submissions are welcome from all educators, researchers, scholars, representatives from industry and non-profit organizations, and government representatives/policy makers. Considerations for acceptance include the level of innovation, technical merit, demonstrated outcomes and relevance to the track and conference themes. Authors are encouraged to submit work that could be useful to the broader continuing engineering education faculty and practitioners, including strategies for implementation.

We are accepting abstracts/proposals for in-person presentations via the abstract portal. Please review the session tracks and format descriptions below before submitting.

Track 1: The imperative for Sustainability in Continuing Engineering Education (CCE)

This track is focused on topics related to developments and advancements related to continuing engineering education and sustainability. Topics of interest include:

    • Identifying and understanding sustainability and CEE trends, approaches, programs, and other influential factors.
    • Emerging trends in CEE and adapting programs/approaches to meet these needs.
    • Faculty development, support, and research.
    • Identifying trends and adapting programs.
    • Academic – industry partnerships and impact on sustainability and CEE.
    • New models in sustainability education and experience.
    • Innovations in sustainability and CEE.
    • Other related topics.

Track 2: The imperative for Entrepreneurship and Leadership in Continuing Engineering Education (CCE)

This track is focused on research, ideas, and innovations related to developing capable, innovative, and sustainably minded technical leaders. Topics of interest include:

    • Approaches to developing innovative and effective leaders.
    • Inter-professional practice and preparing for leadership roles outside of engineering.
    • Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship educational approaches.
    • Challenges and approaches to preparing/supporting women and underrepresented minorities for career long success (challenges, barriers, and facilitators).
    • Integrating AR/VR and other emerging technologies into academic courses and experiential learning activities.
    • Industry 4.0 and novel CEE curriculum.
    • Emerging trends in CEE and adapting programs/approaches to meet these needs.
    • Developing and sustaining industry-academia partnerships.
    • Preparing and supporting workforces for new technological and global challenges.
    • Innovative approaches to CEE, including but not limited to assessment, collaboration, instruction, and marketing.
    • Other related topics.

Track 3: The imperative for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) & Social Justice in Continuing Engineering Education (CCE)

This track is focused on creating a sustainable engineering ecosystem that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive – ultimately leading to increased career retention, satisfaction, and societal good. Topics of interest include:

    • Meeting industry needs.
    • Emerging trends and approaches in DEI, Social Justice.
    • Ethics and contemporary culture wars – approaches to ethics as a life-long learning component.
    • Identifying and understanding the barriers and facilitators to creating organizations and industries that are focused on DEI, Social Justice.
    • Approaches to retaining and advancing women and underrepresented minorities in engineering and technical managerial roles.
    • Role of Latin Universities.
    • Other related topics.

Session Formats

Presentations: Presentations are 30 minutes in length (20 min presentation, 10 min Q&A). Presentations could consist of sharing a best practice in the academic or industry setting for CEEE, research project/paper (complete or work-in-progress), white paper or full research papers for conference proceedings. Q & A is strongly encouraged. It is recommended that there are no more than 2 speakers for this format.

Panels: Panels are 60 minutes in length and consist of a coordinated presentation and/or discussion by three or more speakers, each offering a perspective on a common issue(s) with time for Q&A. A panel should include a moderator who submits an abstract describing the common theme and listing the individual presenters and their topics.

Ignite Session: An Ignite is 7 minutes in length! Participants are invited to present a short session of 20 slides, each slide lasting only 20 seconds. An ignite presentation is meant to “ignite” or “spark” ideas in others. Get others excited and showcase your initiative, best practice, or passion for a new teaching tip, technique or tool. Slides should be timed to rotate automatically.

Posters: Posters are exhibited for 60 minutes in length. Presenters are available in separate breakout rooms to share information and answer questions from the attendees in a small group or one-one-one setting. Poster formats will be provided to presenters accepted into this format.

Facilitated Discussion Forum: Facilitated discussion forum sessions are 60 minutes in length. Participants share problems and solutions regarding topics or products of broad general interest to the CE or CEE community. This session should be such that it will stimulate considerable audience participation. Proposals should include both a topic and summary of discussion questions to be addressed in the session. Participants should be ready to share experiences, learn best practices, and discuss topics of common interest. Facilitated by the session proposer, these are small group sessions, guided discussions, and spur informal group interactions.